Save Money On Your Wedding By Sourcing Locally

July 15, 2021


How Sourcing Locally Can Help You Save Money

Did you know that when you are sourcing locally you are practically taking a part in having a sustainable, eco-friendly wedding celebration? There are many benefits to an eco-friendly wedding – taking care of the environment, feeling socially conscious and a special whimsical vibe to the whole wedding day. Yet, more importantly, relying on local sources will save you money in wedding planning. Neat, right? But, let’s first look at what that actually means!

Feathertop Winery natural and sustainable wedding reception styling.

What does local sourcing mean?

It’s as simple as it sounds. Sourcing all the wedding supplies and goods – from flowers to food to vendors from the area where you’re planning to hold the wedding in. I’m a wedding photographer in Albury Wodonga, and if your nuptials are planned here, I’ll be able to assist you in locally sourcing your wedding supplies. Don’t worry, it won’t compromise with the dreamy attribute of your big day at all! I promise. 

Here are 4 ways sourcing locally can save you money:

#1 Travelling Fee

Since everyone and everything you need will be coming from the same city or region, the travelling fees reduce considerably. Any vendor you hire will ask for travel reimbursements. Similarly, if the flowers, rentals, and food items are locally sourced, the overall cost of them goes down significantly. 

#2 Local Vendors Source Cheaper Supplies

Any local vendors are aware of suppliers around the region and work with them closely. Taking this into account, they’d be able to negotiate a very good price on any wedding stock. Keeping in mind your wedding vision, they can curate a budget ceremony for you in no time.  

Locally made beautiful bouquet of flowers by Beechworth Floral Designs.

#3 Local Food Is Economical

The longer the food travels, the more travel and maintenance charges they incur. Think in terms of refrigeration, packing (mostly plastic), and people responsible to maintain the freshness. When you purchase from local markets, not only will you cut down all these unnecessary prices but also have fresh, nutritious, and delectable food to savour on the wedding day. 

If you’re worried locally sourcing production and meat will leave you with fewer menu choices, then stop that chain of thought right there. An experienced caterer can curate an artistic, flavoursome menu that’ll have your guests raving. 

#4 Green Choices Produce Less Waste

Sourcing locally reduces the chance of wedding wastage. Anyone who’s passionate about going local is automatically picking green, environment-friendly choices. These alternatives automatically produce less wastage – hence fewer charges on the couple to manage wedding waste after the ceremony.

By going local you’d also be supporting families of growers directly. This gives them a push to keep building and expanding their local farms. Plus, we all know how important going local is for the environment (reducing the carbon footprint, of course).

As a wedding photographer in Albury Wodonga and being in this business for a long time, I’m in touch with many amazing vendors in the area that will help you with your wedding planning. You can head over to my vendor recommendation page and see all the wonderful creatives! Sourcing locally is a big part of my personal and professional life, and if you have the same vision, I’d be more than happy to help you fulfil the same.

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My photos will always be my most valuable possessions. As this life moves fast, these moments frozen in time I'll always have to keep.

I love authentic personalities and I relish the challenge of bringing people to life through my photography. If you’re getting married in Albury-Wodonga or anywhere in the world, I would love to hear all about your plans for the big day!



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I Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land I work on and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. I celebrate, value and include people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.
